S.W. Smith
"Striving to make big pictures from small things."
I had initially set out over a year ago to compose some photographs to give to my nephews for their bedroom walls. I am a life long fan of Star Wars and at the time, I had squirreled away a sizable collection of figures and vehicles that were just sitting in my basement. When my brother saw some of my first attempts at lighting and composing these shots he informed me that I should start posting my images to Instagram, to which I half-jokingly asked "What's Instagram?"
My images combine practical hand crafted sets, studio lighting, and some utilization of Photoshop effects. All figures and vehicles used in these photos are in the original 3.75 inch scale.
I do not aim to recreate film accurate images but strive instead to convey the feeling of this cultural touchstone known as Star Wars.
NOSTALGIABOX375 photographs make the perfect gift for any Sci-Fi nut and go a long way to compliment the office, the kids room and of course the man-cave. Get yours today!

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